How To Increase Your Kitchen Productivity

As the kitchen is often a heated and busy environment to be in it is important that practices are in place to promote its smooth running. Here are a few simple tasks that could help increase the productivity within your kitchen:

Create an inventory of your food stuffs and stock levels – Continuously monitor and record your stock levels. This way you will hopefully avoid disappointing customers by running out of that one key ingredient. If you are often left with surplus ingredients, you might even be able to save some money as an inventory will allow you to place more appropriate stock orders.

Carry out regular check of your kitchen equipment – Again fully functioning equipment is critical to the smooth running of any kitchen. Regularly check that you have all the appliances that you need and most importantly check that they are working properly. For example if you produce smoothies or juices you will want to frequently check that all of your blenders are working properly. For smaller appliances like sieves and graters it might be worth always keeping a spare handy in case one was to break or be misplaced.

Choose appropriate ingredients that can be used for a variety of dishes – Not only will this make the ordering of ingredients a more simplistic process it will also save you time and money. If you use ingredients that can be used in a variety of dishes then you will be able to order in bulk and consistently be able to produce a set menu that those visiting your restaurant will become familiar with. Just remember if you are limiting your variety of ingredients being used it is vital that you have sufficient stock levels to serve all your dishes.

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